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Showing posts from February, 2012

Lessons in Living

Omar is wide-eyed with disbelief and anger, and Mobby is indignation personified. “This is not fair,” Omar fumes “I will kill it,” Mobby seethes. The event which brought forth this repressed destructive urge for revenge transpired this morning. Omar (he didn’t go to school today) and Mobby were playing in the garden when they saw a crow sitting on a tree. It was carrying a tiny egg in its mouth. According to the eyewitnesses' account, the crow was also smiling menacingly. The egg then fell from its beak and the eyewitnesses saw a teeny weeny unformed sparrow spangled in blood and gore amid the eggshells. Of course, I was made to run outside and see the ruthless spectacle myself. Yes, there it was: the gook. The menacing raven had flown away leaving in its wake the evidence of its plunder and cruelty. “Did it steal the sparrow’s egg?” Omar now asks. “Yes. It seems it did,” I answer. “But why?” Now Omar’s voice becomes a notch higher with...

How Many Suns Are There?

“You lie. I will never believe you again,” Omar tells me. “No Omar. I never lie, it’s too complicated for me.” “Of course, you do,” Omar says defiantly. Now I want to know about the lie which has ruined my credibility in Omar’s eyes. “You said there is just one sun.” “So? There is one sun.” I breathe easy. Sure this misunderstanding is easy to fix. “I went to grandma’s house and there was one sun too. And there was one in my school too,” Omar looks at me accusingly. “Omar, it is just….err there is actually one sun that we see everywhere. It is just that ….” “You are a liar,” Omar cuts me short and leaves the room. No, this is NOT easy to fix. I will remain a liar in Omar’s eyes for a few years to come.